Domestic and cross border payments


Target audience:

Participants starting out in the Payments side of the business, from banks, corporates, vendors and new entrants, who want to gain an understanding of payment instruments, clearing and settlement, as well as associated market practices and risks.

This should be of particular interest to Payment Institutions and eMoney companies that are attempting an entry into the business.


Starting with the basic payment instruments (cash, cheques, credit transfers, cards etc) we look at the business models for each one, how they clear and settle, and the implications in terms of risks, float, and visibility – as well as charging.

Having dealt with the domestic side we then extend that to cross-border payments, SWIFT, the infrastructure (or lack of it) for using the instruments cross-border, as well as such inhibitors as exchange control, central bank reporting, embargoes and lifting fees, and techniques for mitigating their impact.


  • Based on many practical examples
  • Addresses the key issues of cost, visibility, risks and timing

Price and Condensed Agenda:

The cost of this course delivered in-house is £2,000 plus expenses.

Please refer to our Standard Terms and Conditions.

Click here to download the condensed agenda for this course: Download here

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