The Bank of England’s new bailout facility is a testament to their epic bungling since the Global Financial Crisis

Deputy Governor’s speech positioning the new bailout facility

The Bank of England (the Bank) has designed a so-called ‘Contingent Non-Bank Financial Institution Repurchase Agreement Facility’ (CNRF).

It is a bailout facility for Non-Bank Financial Institutions, and two types are specifically named: pension funds and ‘LDI funds’.

The CNRF is an admission of failure, indeed an admission of the […]

Seven Freebies from the Bank of England to their new best buddies – Labour – and one frustration

A message from the other side – alt-reality


The Bank of England (‘the Bank’) has given Labour seven free gifts during its first five months in office.

This is not surprising as the Bank pursued Labour monetary policies throughout the Conservatives’ fourteen years of nominal rule.

But the eighth proposed freebie has blown up in their face – […]

Rt Hon Rachel Reeves’ CV may have been correct after all, or at least some of it

Header of Rachel Reeves’ CV on LinkedIn


Rachel Reeves’ CV on LinkedIn may have been correct after all in claiming that she was an economist at Bank of Scotland and not head of paperclips at the Halifax. Who would not want to hush up being a senior figure at HBOS during the time it went under? […]

Private Finance Initiative – the New Labour financial catastrophe

The key documents on the financial catastrophe visited upon the UK – and continuing to be visited upon the UK every day – by New Labour.

Private Finance Initiative – PFI – was a ‘structured finance’ scheme to raise new money via borrowings that did not appear in General Government Gross Debt or Public Sector Net […]

Budget disaster for ‘working people’, who won’t be working for much longer

This article as published by the Daily Express

Labour’s first Budget will be a catastrophe for employed jobs, especially for Minimum Wage jobs. Rachel Reeves has greatly increased the cost to businesses of having employees. Angela Rayner’s upcoming measures to improve employee rights will also impose cost. If all of these added costs are passed on […]

We had a Labour economic government for 14 years – called the Bank of England

You were warned…but Labour is nothing is except the Sunak/Hunt combination on steroids

I have drafted a paper about the Conservatives’ years in power, during which the Bank of England exploited its independence and widened the scope of its control over the economy.

You can download the full paper here.

The Bank displaced the elected government as the […]


More money is needed and pensioners – or old codgers as a senior HM Treasury adviser calls them – cost too much and are in the way.

Solution? Accelerate pensioner deaths through a scheme of public policy measures – which have already made the news thanks to their being discussed at the highest levels in government.

Labour […]

Massive borrow-and-spend splurge under Labour takes shape

Report on Labour Plans May 2024

Rachel Reeves wants to take Great British Energy and the NationalWealthFund ‘off-balance sheet’ to massage the UK’s national debt figures.

What this means was written up on pp. 10-13 of this report in May downloadable here: it is the aping of the European Fund for Strategic Investments or InvestEU, which was […]

Enquiries needed into the treatment of rioters and the narrative put up by the authorities during the August 2024 UK riots


Friends around the world must wonder if the UK has lost its mind, what with the Southport murders, the ensuing riots, the false predictions of 100+ ‘far Right’ protests on August 7th, the subsequent mass ‘counterprotests’, the praise heaped on ‘communities’ for standing up to this fictitious threat, and the subsequent repressive ‘justice’ dealt out […]

Full callable capital of the European Stability Mechanism by credit rating level

This chart supplements the IREF article published on 24th July 2024 entitled ‘There is no European Financial Safety Net, and therefore no Global Financial Safety Net’: issued by the European Stability Mechanism have to be 100%+ backed by callable capital from member states with a given credit rating for the bonds to enjoy that same […]