The ‘grown-ups’ have all but ensured that UK debt will exceed 100% of GDP, and that the only way from there is down


Underline 21st July 2024 in your diaries.

This will be the publication date of the Office for National Statistics data for the UK’s public debt in June 2024.

Barring a turnaround in the direction-of-travel, the debt will exceed 100% of GDP.

UK public finances between January and May 2024

Debt was 99.8% of GDP in May, although for some […]

Treasury Select Committee report on the digital pound

TSC report headline

Published on 9th December 2023

The Treasury Select Committee has issued report about the Bank of England’s digital pound project, also known as ‘Britcoin’, and a UK ‘central bank digital currency’ or ‘CBDC’.

You can download the report here

Its headlines are:

‘Britcoin’ must be introduced via primary legislation that is subject to full Parliamentary scrutiny, and […]